Went to go for a run in the car and on start up the idle was very erratic changing RPM from 1000 to 400 and back again every few seconds. After lifting the bonnet for a bit of expert analysis I noticed petrol pissing all over the floor from the SU carb overflow pipe. "Well that's not right", I thought to myself.
I decided it was time to get a few new parts in for various small issues and of course this latest one, so I ordered from Rimmer Bros, carb float valve, carb needles, floats, gaskets, water pump and gaskets, intake/exhaust gasket, brake pads and fitting pins/shims.
Anyway, getting back to the minor fuel leak which has led to my garage knocking me out every time I walk in there. I fitted the new float valves and floats and hey presto the fuel leak has stopped and the idle is now back to normal.
I'm still getting the whistle which I was sure was the water pump but now I'm not so sure so I will change it anyway and then probably have to change something else. I have a feeling its going to end up being an air leak but I can't find it, hence the additional intake/exhaust gasket.
Will update when I make the changes.