Tuesday, 22 April 2014


The car is currently off the road due to the brakes finally deciding to stay on a little too often. I've known this binding issue has needed sorting almost since day one but like a lot of things time to get things done is hard to come by. At the moment if I'm honest time isn't the biggest problem, it's more about the cash needed to buy some new calipers (reworking the old ones sounds like a pain in the arse). Need to get it sorted though as the MOT is up in a few months and I don't think it will make it through this time in its current state.

Saturday, 11 January 2014

Rusted Points

It seems the old girl is giving me more grief than enjoyment at the moment. Went out for a drive and about 800 yards down the road it just cut out and rolled to a stand still. I was very low on fuel so thought it may have just run out but after topping it up it still wouldn't run for more than a few yards before cutting out. I managed to get the car back to base and on closer inspection the points had become very rusted as had the condenser and all associated distributor parts. I suspect some condensation and a lack of use have combined to cause the problem. More parts ordered and after swapping the lot including a new distributor cap it seems to have solved the problem.

I must get out more in the car but work commitment and really poor weather seem to be making it difficult to enjoy the car at the moment. My enthusiasm for the car is just as strong as ever it's just circumstances that are preventing me using the car as much as I would like.