Thursday 26 April 2012

Steering wheel

Its only taken me 7 months but I finally managed to get the bloody steering wheel off and realign as its been on the p**s since I've had it.

I got the right size socket a few weeks back but I couldn't budge the nut and as normal all my half cans of WD40 didn't want to give up the prize held within. Well I picked a new can up this week and after a good spray and leaving it for 30 minutes it finally let go. Getting the steering wheel off was actually the easy bit. I stuck my knees up under the bottom edge of the wheel and with the nut still on the end of the shaft to prevent getting a wheel in the forehead, I gave the rear of the wheel a good bash with my hand and off it came. I had already aligned the front wheels and although its not an exact science I realigned it and put it all back together. I just need to get out in it now to make sure its correct but I know its certainly going to be better.

Gave the wheel a good clean

Very careful not to damage fine pitch spline

Wheel back on

All sorted now just need to test drive

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